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"nunntaa, a clothing brand offering indigo-dyed, hand-woven womenswear from Thai local communities with concern about minimizing negative impacts on environmental impacts"


NUNNTAA, a Bangkok-based clothing brand, was founded by Nanthapohn Pattanasakpinyo (Nui) who is interested in sustainability. It was created with the purposes to run a fashion business in a way that minimizes the negative impacts on the environment and offer feminine and versatile womenswear made from materials cultivated within Thai local communities.

"nunntaa, a clothing brand offering indigo-dyed, hand-woven womenswear from Thai local communities with concern about minimizing negative impacts on environmental impacts"

To reflect such purposes and combine those with Nui’s personal favor for charming natural-indigo dyeing and weaving traditions, the products under NUNNTAA brand are primarily made from naturally dyed and hand-woven fabric crafted by members within villages in Thailand.

Craftsmen of Thai indigo cotton | NUNNTAA
"nunntaa, a clothing brand offering indigo-dyed, hand-woven womenswear from Thai local communities with concern about minimizing negative impacts on environmental impacts"

Such textile products are homemade, which consume less resources and cause less environmental contamination. Particularly speaking, localists dye the cotton yarn in a vat containing homemade alkaline medium mixed with other simple household substances, for instance, lime juice, tamarin juice and sugar. The cotton and the indigo plants are grown in small areas in the communities where paddy fields are the major land use.

When the brand creates its products, well-finishing and comfort issues are taken into account. It therefore needs to include some other industrial materials, for example, machine-spun cotton yarn and machine-woven fabric to address those concerns in a conscious and transparent manner. 

"nunntaa, a clothing brand offering indigo-dyed, hand-woven womenswear from Thai local communities with concern about minimizing negative impacts on environmental impacts"

Ultimately, the brand expects that its customers would not only be happy with its products but also the values that it stands for: doing better for the environment and supporting local communities.

"nunntaa, a clothing brand offering indigo-dyed, hand-woven womenswear from Thai local communities with concern about minimizing negative impacts on environmental impacts"
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